Anime Adaptation Continues for "Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat"


It appears that Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat - a 2017 short form TV anime based on the adult visual novel of the same name by Harukaze - has nine lives, because it has been announced that the next phase of the anime adaptation is currently in-development. Currently, no further details about the new anime project (such as the cast, staff, format, and release) have been revealed.



Additionally, it has been revealed that a general release version of Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat 2 will be published in Japan for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita systems on February 28, 2019. An international release for the first game in the Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat series is also in the works.



The 2017 Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat TV anime is directed by Kenshiro Morii and features animation production by DMM.futureworks and W-Toon Studio. The series is currently available via streaming on Crunchyroll, who describe the story of Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat as follows:


Handa Nora is a typical boy. One spring day, on his way to school, he comes across a beautiful girl named Patricia. Patricia is a princess of the afterlife, who had come to destroy all life on the planet. Nora and Patricia share a kiss, transforming him into a black cat.



Comic Natalie

Official Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat TV anime home page



Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.

from Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!


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