To promote its upcoming premiere in Japan, the official website and Twitter for the TV anime adaptation of Nigojuu's romantic comedy / mystery light novel series Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru / The Detective Is Already Dead launched a countdown illustration project on June 29. From June 29 to July 3, a newly-drawn countdown illustration will be posted every day. The first two illustrations are provided by Nana Kagura , the virtual artist/illustrator who performs the anime's ED theme song "Kodou" ( Heartbeat ), and Masaaki Uigawa , the anime's animation director. The TV anime Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru / The Detective Is Already Dead , produced by ENGI ( Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! ), is set to premiere on AT-X, TOKYO- MX, Sun TV, and KBS Kyoto on July 4, 2021. 【放送まであと5日!カウントダウンイラストを公開①】 7/4からのTVアニメ放送開始まで、あと5日。 本日から毎日、カウントダウンイラストを公開予定です! 放送5日前の今日は、こちらのお二人からイラストをいただきました! まずはEDテーマを担当されるカグラナナさん! #たんもし — 『探...