See How Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster Updates Iconic Opera Scene

Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster


Now that Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster is out in the wild, longtime fans and newcomers alike can enjoy the updated presentation, which includes a few altered scenes. One of the big changes involves the famous "Maria and Draco" opera scene, which now includes the addition of real vocals. 


Original composer Nobuo Uematsu recently commented on the change, saying "it would be nice if we could actually put vocals in there." Not only did Square Enix follow through with his request, they actually ended up adding opera vocals in Korean, Spanish, German and Italian on top of the English version. 


You can see samples in English and Italian below. 








Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.

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